Visitor Info

The Williston Northampton School is located in Easthampton, Massachusetts, in the heart of the beautiful Pioneer Valley. The school is located 40 miles north of Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Amtrak runs trains from New York and Boston to nearby Springfield. There is bus transportation from Springfield and Bradley Airport to Northampton, which is just a short drive away from campus. The driving directions below all get you to the campus’ main quad, which is where our Admission Office (called the Homestead) and Reed Campus Center are located. To reach other campus destinations, please consult our list of GPS directions below or the campus map at the top of this page.

Campus Map

Find the Pond, the football field and more. Explore the Williston Campus Map.

Directions to Williston

  • From Boston

    Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) west to Exit 45 (formerly Exit 4). Follow I-91 north to Exit 15B (formerly 17B), then take Route 141 west four miles to Easthampton. At the first traffic light, go straight ahead onto Payson Avenue and proceed about 200 yards to the campus. At the end of Payson Avenue, take a left onto Park Street, then—just before the chapel on the right—take your second left onto the campus Quad. The Admission Office is located all the way around the horseshoe drive, in a white building called the Homestead.

  • From Connecticut and New York City

    Take I-684 and I-84 (or I-95) to I-91 north. At Exit 15B (formerly 17B), take Route 141 west four miles to Easthampton. At the first traffic light, go straight ahead onto Payson Avenue and proceed 200 yards to the campus. At the end of Payson Avenue, take a left onto Park Street, then—just before the chapel on the right—take your second left onto the campus quad. The Admission Office is located all the way around the horseshoe drive, in a white building called the Homestead.

  • From the West

    Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) east to Exit 41 (formerly Exit 3). Follow Route 10 north 10 miles to Easthampton. Turn right on Greenwood Court and turn left onto Park Street. The entrance to the main quad is on your right. The Admission Office is located all the way around the horseshoe drive, in a white building called the Homestead.

  • From the Northwest

    Take Route 9 east to Northampton. From Northampton, take Route 10 south 5 miles to downtown Easthampton. Go straight through the traffic light (a church will be on your left; a florist’s on your right), then shortly afterwards bear left onto Park Street. Continue straight through a 4-way stop. In another block, you will see a campus sign on your left. Take your second left after that sign onto the campus Quad. The Admission Office is located all the way around the horseshoe drive, in a white building called the Homestead.

I'm trying to get to...

  • The Admission Office

    The Admission Office is located at 28 Park Street, Easthampton, MA. To find the office and parking easily, point your GPS at 45 Park Street, which is the address of the Phillips Stevens Chapel. Just before you get to the chapel on your right, turn left into the main Quad. Continue around the Quad and park in front of the white building called the Homestead, which houses our Admission Office.

  • The Athletic Center

    Point your GPS at 80 Park Street, Easthampton. The Athletic Center will be on your left. Turn left just after it for visitor parking.

  • College Advising

    The College Advising office is located in Plimpton Hall at 19R Payson Avenue, next to the Schoolhouse.  There are two reserved parking spaces in front of our building for visitors to the office.

  • The Williston Theater

    Point your GPS at 19 Payson Avenue, Easthampton. The theater (and parking) are located just across the street.

  • The Main Quad

    Point your GPS at 45 Park Street, Easthampton, which is the address of the Phillips Stevens Chapel. Just before you get to the chapel on your right, turn left into the main Quad.

  • Reed Campus Center

    Point your GPS at 45 Park Street, Easthampton, which is the address of the Phillips Stevens Chapel. Just before you get to the chapel on your right, turn left into the main Quad. The Reed Campus Center will be located on your right.

  • Lossone Rink

    Lossone Rink is located on the corner of Park Street and Greenwood Court in Easthampton.

    See a map of parking locations for Lossone Rink (PDF)

  • Galbraith Fields

    Galbraith Fields are located on Taft Avenue in Easthampton, just a quarter mile from campus. Search for Galbraith Fields, Easthampton, with your GPS.

Lodging + Dining Options

Visitor FAQs

  • Where can I park on campus?

    Ample parking is available on The Williston Northampton School campus. Parking is available behind Scott Hall and the Williston Theatre, at the Athletic Center, and at Lossone Rink. See the campus map at the top of this page to find these locations.

  • Is there an ATM on campus?

    There are no ATMs on campus. The nearest ATM is a stand-alone Easthampton Savings Bank ATM near the 7-Eleven at the corner of Union and Liberty Streets in downtown Easthampton, just a short walk from campus. Additionally, there are two full-service banks, with ATMs, in Easthampton: Easthampton Savings Bank and Florence Bank.

  • Are there local cab companies?

    We recommend GoGreen Cab, Northampton, MA, 413-586-0707

  • What are some other fun things to do in the area?

    You’re in luck! Williston is surrounded by fun college towns and great natural resources. One great local resource is the Hampshire County website, which gives you access to local events, hotels, restaurants, and more.

  • How do I log into the Wi-Fi network?

    When you are on campus, click on the wireless network called WILLISTONGUESTS. Then, enter your email address to register and gain access to the Wi-Fi network.