
Wildcats Encourage Incoming Students


New students, fear not! Thousands of Wildcats have walked this path before you and these alumni offer the following encouragement as you look toward your first day at Williston.

“The Williston community, and by extension the Williston theater, is friendly and accessible. Going away to boarding school was at times an anxiety-inducing prospect, since I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make strong connections and friendships with my classmates. As soon as I attended my first activities fair as a prospective student I was invited to make connections with open minded and genuinely nice people. No matter who you are, Williston is here to support you in doing what you love!”

Edward Bergham ’22 

“Coming to a new school my sophomore year, I was incredibly nervous. However, that all changed from the moment that I stepped on campus. A pair of seniors helped my parents and I get all checked in and I was continually greeted by crowds of friendly faces all looking so happy to be back after a long summer break. One of the factors that attracted me to Williston was the sense of community, and I was glad to know that I had made the right choice.”

Sabrina Liew ’18

As a new day student in ninth grade, I was worried about not knowing anyone, but the students were so considerate and inviting that I quickly settled in. I met most of my friends through the classes I took or from class orientations. One of the first friends that I made at Williston was actually a girl I met during the freshman orientation trip to Becket. We spent the few days there glued to each other’s side. She introduced me to all the other girls that lived in her dorm at the time, and my circle of friends quickly grew. I was constantly being invited to different hang outs and soon knew basically everyone on campus. People always waved or smiled at me when I passed them by on the sidewalk. It made the transition so much easier. I felt at home in a brand new school.

Jillian Dietz ’21

“On my first day, one of the things that stood out to me immediately was the enthusiasm and supportiveness that the teachers and students at Williston offered in every area, from academics to athletics to the arts. No matter where I looked, there were classmates and teachers willing to help me out and thrilled to introduce me to their interests.”

Jack Phelan ’18

“Williston, no matter whether you are a freshman or whether you are a senior with senioritis (a rather severe disease, I must say), takes care of you in every possible way, and helps you grow into a better scholar, athlete, friend, leader—a better person.”

Simon Kim ’19

“When I arrived at Williston, I did not know anyone in my grade. I was nervous to have to make brand new friends, and at the same time adjust to a new school. In the weeks leading up to Welcome Days, the captain of the cross-country team reached out to invite me to preseason practices. It was at those practices where I met my first friends. I think that is a perfect example of who we are at Williston. Everyone looks out for each other. Whether that means showing the underclassmen how to get to the athletic fields, or meeting with teachers for extra help late at night or early in the morning, people care.”

Ellie Scott ’18

Making the transition from a day school to a boarding school was certainly challenging, but the Williston community helped make it a smooth transition. As soon as I arrived on campus for move in day, I was greeted with open arms. I distinctly remember a pair of teachers, who were also my dorm parents, going out of their way to help me and my parents carry my belongings up to my room. Also, during the first week of classes my new classmates helped me adjust to the school without any hesitation, whether it be how to use certain technology, or even help direct me to my next class.

Roscoe Eade ’21

“I came to Williston as a 7th grader, full of the anxiety of not knowing my entire grade, angry at myself for clearly not setting my alarm early enough, and completely unaware of how my experiences here would shape me as a person—or my future. My first day, I already started to feel like Williston was the place for me. I became friends with people I consider family now.”

Molly Solan ’19

“When I arrived at Williston, I didn’t know anyone. Coming from Canada, I found myself in a new school, new community, but also an entirely new country. I had no clue how I was going to manage to fit in, being an international student. I was nervous and honestly terrified that I would have to make brand new friends, all while adjusting to a new school. However, within the very first hours of football preseason, I felt as though I belonged. Everyone was glad to be part of this community and were all welcoming. Being one of the many incoming students, I soon came to realize that everyone looks out for each other. Whether that meant sitting with someone new in the dining hall or just getting a friendly hello while walking by someone unknown to you, it was easy to see that people care.”

Xavier Thibault ’18

“The aspect that I love most about Williston is the community. From my first week here as a freshman, not only students, but also teachers, who I had barely met would say hi to me. I quickly learned that the adults on campus are not only my mentors and coaches, but also my close friends.”

Anabelle Farnham ’18

Coming to Williston from NYC was certainly a big change for me, but a welcomed one. The friendly community and extensive town allowed me to feel at home immediately. We are able to order from the many restaurants in town, from the local pizza place “Antonio’s,”  to Mexican food just around the corner. There are over 23 restaurants less than a 10-minute walk away from campus. I feel very fortunate to have access to such an array of restaurants and stores.

Avi Kacker ’22

I’ve been swimming competitively since I was seven, so coming to Williston I knew that the swim team would be an important part of my life here. As the season approached, I was worried about pretty much everything. Would I make friends? Would I still be able to improve as a swimmer? From the very beginning of the season, and even in my interactions with coaches and other swimmers before, it was clear that my worries were for nothing.

Molly Kinstle ’21