On April 21, 2017, Williston will take part in a nationally recognized event called Day of Silence. According to GLSEN, an organization that advocates for LGBTQ rights in K-12 schools, Day of Silence is a student-led national event organized in thousands of schools, bringing awareness to the silencing effects of anti-LGBTQ name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Students from middle school to college take a vow of silence in an effort to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBTQ behavior by illustrating the silencing effect ofbullying and harassment on LGBTQ students and those perceived to be LGBTQ.
So, what is Williston going to do about it? The shirts pictured are available for purchase to help raise money to support LGBTQIA+ youth around the world. By purchasing and wearing the shirt (designed by our own visual and performing arts teacher Charles Raffetto) on the Day of Silence, students can agree to take a vow of silence with classmates and teachers. Buttons and stickers will also be available to help show varying levels of support. On the day before the Day of Silence, April 20, Williston’s Pride club will host a storytelling event for all students and faculty where we will hear from LGBTQIA+ students and faculty as well as allies who are passionate about silencing bullying and harassment of their friends and peers. To buy a shirt before or on April 21, contact Director of Diversity and Inclusion Erin Davey.