The 1970 Boys Swim Team, coached by legendary Williston Hall of Famers Wilmot S. Babcock and David “Duff” Tyler ’63, enjoyed a truly remarkable season. The team competed against college freshman programs from Yale, Dartmouth, Cornell, Williams, Springfield, and West Point and convincingly defeated all of its prep opponents. With the exception of one dual meet loss by five points to the Harvard freshmen, the team was undefeated. In the New England Prep Championship, the squad dominated its prep competition by winning by more than 160 points. At the Eastern Prep School Championship, competing against top programs from Florida and New England, the team finished in third place. The team broke numerous records to include pool, New England, and even one national prep record. Led by John Meade ’70 as captain, the team had an outstanding group of swimmers and divers to include sprinter Drew Brown ’70, diver Clark Falkenstein ’70, and distance swimmer Jim Bayles ’70. A remarkable six swimmers earned All American.