Film + Photography

Darkroom or digital? No need to choose. At Williston, you’ll find the facilities to develop and print photographic images, and use professional imaging software to master digital photography. If you see yourself behind the video camera, you’ll find opportunities in and out of the classroom. With the latest equipment at hand, you’ll develop fundamental technical skills and have a chance to delve into visual storytelling, exploring scripts, storyboards, and pre-production. You could even submit an entry to our annual Williston Film Festival.

The number of trimester-long course offerings in the Film + Photography department

Featured Course

Filmmaking II

We will examine a variety of film and video sources and discuss their concepts and structure to gain an understanding of the complex framework required in the process of creating an original film. Scripts, storyboards, and pre-production skills will be discussed and applied to the creation of individual film projects. You’ll participate in the annual Williston Film Festival and are encouraged to submit projects throughout the trimester for consideration. Mini DV cameras, computers and software, and all other equipment are provided. Lighting kits, DSLR’s, Glidecams, and other specialized equipment will also be available.

Special Programs

Photographers' Lecture Series

Each year, an outstanding group of guest documentary photographers, photojournalists, commercial photographers, photo editors, and others involved in the field, visit to show examples of their work and offer insight and opportunity for discussion as part of the school’s Photographers’ Lecture Series.

Williston Film Festival

The annual Williston Northampton School Film Festival showcases the work of student filmmakers from Williston and beyond. Students from high schools all over New England submit films for consideration and judges award prizes in a number of categories.

Our Film + Photography Facilities


Adobe-Creative-Cloud-enabled Mac workstations for digital photography and video editing


state-of-the-art 17″ pigment inkjet printers


tungsten, strobe, and LED lights, with stands—plus a range of light modifiers


darkroom enlarger stations in our wet print lab


lenses ranging from 8 mm to 300 mm

"I worked with various mediums, combining darkroom printing, digital scans, and digital photos taken with the same settings and subjects. To unify these elements, I printed the digital images onto silver paper, creating a cohesive final project."

Hana Naughton, on her Williston Scholars Arts project

Student Work

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